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General Policy

Class Etiquette
• Arrive on time • Wear the appropriate footwear and dance wear • Act in a polite and well-mannered fashion towards teachers and students • No food in the studio • Only capped water bottles allowed in the studio • Ask if you need to leave during a lesson • No smoking or drinking of alcohol • No bad language to be used
Break Policy
Julia’s Dance Studio realises that some students get dropped off early and like to wait before their lessons start and that also students have breaks between lessons. The Studio is happy for this to continue as long as parents understand that Julia’s Dance Studio staff are not responsible for them during this time. Julia’s Dance Studio would certainly advise that younger students are not left by themselves during break times. The dance school is not responsible for any items or valuables, trays are provided within each studio for students to place their valuables in during their lessons.
Collecting your child
All parents/carers must come into the Studio to collect their child if they are of Primary school age.
All teachers are fully qualified. Copies of these qualifications can be found in the waiting room and our registration certificates can be found above Studio 1 in reception

Late Policy
If your child is more than ten minutes late then they may not be allowed to participate in the class as we will have warmed up by this point and it is not safe for your child to join a class without warming up. This will be down to teachers discretion
Uniform Policy
Students need to ensure they are wearing the correct uniform to lessons. To ensure health and safety is met during lessons students should tie their hair back and should be in a bun for ballet, not wear jewellery and not chew gum during lessons.
Possible bad weather disruptions or cancellation of classes
In the event of bad weather Julia’s Dance Studio will make a decision as early as possible whether to cancel classes or not. Notices will be put on the Studio’s website and Facebook page. The above procedure will also apply if lessons are cancelled for any other reason.
Waiting Areas
All people using the waiting areas need to show respect to all other members of the Studio. Please ensure that your conversations are child friendly and no student should overhear bad language or swearing.


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