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Health and Safety Policy

Health and Safety Procedures
It is the responsibility of all staff to help maintain the safety and security of the pupils and the working/dancing environment – being aware of the risks, identify any potential safety issues and know the appropriate action to take.
Staff must be aware of and comply with this Health and Safety Policy and all emergency procedures.

Dance Studio Safety Checks
Law protects everyone's health, safety and welfare at work. But we also have the responsibility to look after others and ourselves.
Checks to be made before pupils enter the studio:
Plug sockets – ensure they are safe with no wires showing.
Mirrors – ensure they are unbroken.
Floor – ensure they are cleaned and remove any objects that might cause a risk when dancing.
Doors and exits –ensure they are secure and that nothing is blocking emergency exits.
Lighting and the light switches – ensure they are working and not loose.
Barre – ensure it is fixed in place.
Windows – ensure they are locked/secured when there is no teacher in the studio.
Personal and Pupil Safety Checks
Correct dance wear/uniform must be worn for each class
Long hair to be tied back
Correct footwear to be worn for each class
Safety/protection clothing to be worn when needed, i.e. knee pads
Evacuation Procedures
The Manager is responsible for ensuring that the fire risk assessment is undertaken and implemented. Training for employees and evacuation procedures will be practiced regularly. Julia’s Dance Studio operates a strict no smoking policy whilst on the premises.
In the event of a fire employees must:
Raise the alarm
Take their registers and ensure all students exit the building in a calm and orderly manner to the fire assembly point.
Call the fire brigade
Do not re-enter the building. Be aware of the fire exits and the position of the fire alarms. No exit should be blocked in any way.

Th main responsibility for employees is:
To help supervise the safety and orderly evacuation of pupils and any other people in the vicinity.
Keep calm. Try to keep others calm.
Do not prolong the evacuation but on passing check all the corridors, toilets etc. to make sure no one is left behind.

Security Procedures and Systems
All students or visitors to Julia’s Dance Studio must report to reception on arrival. Older students may be allowed to leave the building to get food but must inform reception of this and sign back in on their return.
The building is equipped with Close Circuit Televisions, and all footage is recorded. Any unidentified person found around the dance studios are reported to the manager immediately.
At the end of each lesson the younger children are escorted out to their parents/carers by a teacher. If the parent/carer has not arrived then the child will be taken to wait in reception with a staff member.
Accidents and First Aid
All accidents are to be recorded in the accident book.
Minor injuries should be dealt with by staff, recorded in the accident book and parents informed.
For more serious injuries, First Aid should not be administered without the permission of the child’s parent/carer. A child cannot give consent, however if a child is seriously injured or unconscious then the situation should be dealt with immediately by a trained first-aider and another adult present.  
Head Injuries – however small, these incidents are always reported to the parents in case of concussion or any other medical reasons, and dealt with by the first-aider.
Major injury, i.e. suspected broken bones – should only be treated by the qualified first-aiders. Pupils should be not moved, they are to be kept safe until the first-aider arrives. The first-aider will inform the appropriate people and then complete the accident book.

Major injuries may cause disruption to a class, if possible get someone to move pupils out of the area. The first-aider will reassure the causality at all times and make them aware of the situation.
NB: All pupils with specific medical needs have separate instructions on procedures to follow in case of an accident/emergency.

First Aid Boxes
The first aid equipment is kept at reception and a small box is also located in each studio. Equipment is also stored at reception that can be transported to accompany on outside activities, trips, shows etc. First Aid boxes are restocked regularly.  

This Policy is reviewed annually

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